Red Admiral marking

collage_mapadmiral_asTogether with our partners from we carried out a colour-marking experiment over two days at two alpine passes, Col de Bretolet and Col de la Croix, in Southwest Switzerland. The marking took place on 29–30 September 2016.

This project was a pilot study to demonstrate the utility of this technique and plans are being made to conduct a large-scale marking study across Europe in 2017. Please contact us if you would like to be involved.

The marking involves the staining of the white tips in the forewing of the Red Admirals using different colour codes.

Marked Admirals may turn up in (southern) France and Spain. Please report any sighting of a colour marked Red Admiral to the following address:

Please indicate where and when you found the animal, and please indicate the colour code. Try to take a picture if possible.

Have a look at our Facebook page and research website to find out more about our alpine insect migration research.


Merci de signaler toute observation de Vulcain marqué en envoyant un e-mail à l’adresse suivante:

Merci également d’indiquer le lieu et l’heure de l’observation ainsi que le code couleur marqué sur l’individu. L’idéal est de prendre une photo du papillon.

Bitte melden Sie Beobachtungen farb-markierter Admirale an folgende Adresse:

Bitte machen Sie Angaben dazu, wann und wo genau Sie einen markierten Admiral gesehen haben und mit welchen Farben er markiert war (wenn möglich bitte mit Foto).

Segnalate ogni avvistamento di Atalanta marcata a colore a

Quando segnalate un’Atalanta marcata, indicate dove e quando l’avete osservata, e indicate il codice colore su entrambe le ali (cercate di fare una foto).

Por eso necesitamos tu ayuda; te pedimos que nos envíes cualquier observación de Almirante rojas marcadas a

Cuando nos envíes tus citas, añade la información del lugar y la hora de la observación y el código de color en ambas alas (si es posible, mediante una foto).